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Mejora de la ciberseguridad en el transporte y en la administración de flotas para el Departamento de Defensa

Mejora de la ciberseguridad en el transporte y en la administración de flotas para el Departamento de Defensa

Few things can halt operations across the Department of Defense like a critical failure of logistics and transportation. From automated asset inventory to malicious-activity detections through baselining, learn how Tenable OT Security can protect these critical functions within the DoD and work towards the federal government’s zero trust mandate in OT environments. 

The Department of Defense (DoD) relies heavily on efficient and secure transportation systems to fulfill its critical mission of upholding national security. From deploying troops and resources to conducting humanitarian operations and disaster relief, the DoD must be able to move people and materials quickly and effectively. Operational technology (OT) plays a vital role in the DoD’s ability to coordinate a wide range of vehicles and equipment while maintaining the uninterrupted mobility of the fleet. In short, OT is essential for ensuring the efficiency, safety and readiness of military vehicles, ships, aircraft and other assets.

However, fleet management in the modern age comes with its own set of challenges. Like so many other complex technological systems, OT systems in the DoD’s fleet and transportation systems are vulnerable to attacks from bad actors. Ensuring the security of the DoD's transportation network is certainly a technical challenge - but within the military context, it's also a matter of national security.

In this blog post, we’ll outline the challenges involved in protecting the DoD’s transportation systems from cyberattacks, and offer OT security recommendations.

OT in fleet management and transportation

OT encompasses a vast array of technologies used to control and monitor physical infrastructure and processes within the DoD, including:

  • Vehicle telematics and GPS tracking: These systems provide real-time insights into fleet location, performance and fuel efficiency, optimizing routes and logistics for quicker deployments and emergency responses.
  • Predictive maintenance systems: By analyzing data from sensors and onboard computers, these systems can identify and address potential equipment failures before they occur, preventing costly breakdowns and ensuring operational readiness.
  • Integrated bridge systems (IBS): These sophisticated systems facilitate navigation and communication for ships and other watercraft, enhancing situational awareness and safety at sea.
  • Unmanned aerial systems (UAS): Drones equipped with OT systems are increasingly used for reconnaissance, surveillance and cargo delivery, providing valuable intelligence and logistical support for military operations.
  • Radio-frequency identification (RFID) and asset tagging: RFID tags track and manage equipment and supplies in fleet operations, improving inventory management and helping to ensure that necessary equipment is always available. 
  • SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) systems: SCADA systems monitor and control engineering systems aboard ships, including propulsion, electrical generation and environmental systems.
  • Health and usage monitoring systems (HUMS): These systems collect and analyze data on vehicle and aircraft health, usage and performance, aiding in maintenance and operational decision-making.

These technologies are central to the DoD's transportation network, enabling efficient logistics, rapid response and mission success.

Top challenges for secure transportation in the DoD

Despite the immense benefits of OT in fleet management, keeping these systems secure presents significant challenges for the DoD, including:

  • Legacy systems: Many OT systems were designed for air-gapped environments and lack modern security features, making them vulnerable to cyberattacks. Integrating security solutions with legacy OT systems can be complex and disruptive to operations.
  • Limited visibility: The diversity of OT systems and communication protocols can create blind spots, making it difficult to have a comprehensive view of the entire transportation network.
  • Cybersecurity threats: The evolving threat landscape, consisting of cyberattacks such as ransomware attacks and supply chain compromise, poses significant risks to critical infrastructure.

Software modernization is a key initiative within the DoD as legacy systems, including those which are integrated with OT systems used in transportation and fleet management, make them increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks and operational failure. 

The impact of unsecured transportation systems

The consequences of a cyberattack on the DoD's transportation network can be dire, and include:

  • Delays and disruptions: Compromised systems can lead to delays in deployments and critical missions, impacting military readiness and operations and potentially putting lives at risk.
  • Data breaches: Sensitive information, such as troop movements and logistics data, could be leaked in a cyberattack, jeopardizing national security.
  • Financial losses: Cyberattacks can cause significant financial damage, requiring costly repairs and system replacements.

Enhancing transportation security with modern solutions

The DoD needs to actively address these challenges and prioritize the security of its transportation systems. This requires a multi-faceted approach that includes:

  • Modernizing security: Identifying legacy systems so they can be protected with modern security controls is crucial to managing vulnerabilities and mitigating cyber risks from OT.
  • Improving visibility and control: Implementing comprehensive security solutions that provide real-time insights into the entire transportation network is essential for quickly identifying and responding to threats.
  • Building a robust cybersecurity posture: Implementing strong cybersecurity policies such as zero trust, procedures and training programs is crucial to being prepared for cyberattacks and protecting critical infrastructure.

As the DoD continues to modernize its fleet and transportation systems, the role of OT becomes increasingly significant. It’s not just about adopting new technologies but securing them against evolving threats. This will ensure that the DoD remains agile, responsive and, above all, secure in its transportation operations and mission of national security.

Investing in a secure future for the DoD

By taking proactive steps to address challenges and leverage modern solutions, the DoD can ensure its ability to move quickly and effectively in any situation, safeguarding national security and protecting the lives of those who serve.

Tenable OT Security can help the DoD protect transportation infrastructures from advanced cyberthreats by alerting it to suspicious events triggered by intrusion detection system (IDS) signatures, policy violations and anomalous behavior. It can automate OT and IT asset discovery across transportation systems, reducing the need for the inefficient and error-prone manual asset-management process. The DoD can also integrate the Tenable solution with its existing technology, ensuring mobility and rapid responses during emergencies. Plus, the DoD can access data in real-time and across diverse systems.

Are you responsible for securing transportation and fleet management in the DoD? Learn more about how you can enhance your security posture and stay focused on your mission. Contact our experts today to discuss your unique needs and explore solutions. 

This is the fourth blog in our six-part blog series on OT in the DoD. Below are links to other blogs in the series:

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