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Seminario web bajo demanda

Mesa redonda de seguridad en la nube: Ampliación de la adopción de la nube sin sacrificar los estándares de seguridad


Join cloud security industry leaders Hart Rossman, Director Global Security and Infrastructure, AWS, and Tenable's Vice President of Cloud Security Engineering, Piyush Sharma and Senior Manager, Information Security, Phillip Hayes, for practical guidance and lessons learned.

Cloud adoption accelerates the pace of digital transformation, but introduces new challenges to maintaining security and compliance. Traditional approaches don't translate well to the cloud and can slow delivery, exacerbate audit pain, and leave organizations with an incomplete view of cloud security and compliance posture.

Fortunately, new security frameworks and solutions purpose-built for the cloud are ready for primetime. For insights into ways you can successfully extend and embed security into your organization’s cloud transformation, join experts from Tenable and AWS for this on-demand webinar covering:

  • The top challenges facing organizations looking to scale cloud adoption
  • What “secure by design” means in the cloud world
  • Guidance for designing and delivering a collaborative and effective cloud security program

¿Quién debe participar?
All cyber security leaders, as well cloud security architects and engineers, DevSecOps and cloud operations leaders committed to scaling cloud adoption without sacrificing Security standards are encouraged to participate.

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Photo of Hart Rossman, Director Global Security & Infrastructure Practice at Amazon Web Services

Hart Rossman

Director Global Security & Infrastructure Practice, AWS

Photo of Phillip Hayes, Senior Manager, Information Security, Tenable

Phillip Hayes

Senior Manager, Information Security, Tenable

Piyush Sharrma, Vice President, Engineering, Tenable

Piyush Sharma

Vice President, Engineering, Tenable

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