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Seminario web bajo demanda

Cuando tiene que ver con una seguridad en la nube eficaz, compartir es mostrar interés


Learn how you can ensure the success of your cloud security initiatives by enabling efficient, automated cross-team collaboration, analysis and action.

Think about all of the ways global, distributed and remote security, dev, and operations teams need to interoperate to ensure cloud security without impacting velocity and innovation. One of the biggest barriers to success: sharing. Or more to the point, enabling effective, efficient cross-team analysis, collaboration and action.

What’s the solution? For starters, you need to focus on what matters most; ensuring production environments are secure by automating everything you can to stop vulnerabilities from ever reaching production.

To help you build a cloud security strategy that is effective, scalable and affordable, check out this on-demand webinar examining:

  • Key cloud security capabilities needed to effectively implement security baselines when scaling cloud adoption
  • How Tenable improves cross-team engagement and security impact by enabling the adoption of policy as code
  • The evolution of cloud security posture management (CSPM) solutions to encompass infrastructure-as-code (IaC) security testing and risk-based analytics

¿Quién debe asistir?
Cloud and security leaders looking to reduce the risks of adopting cloud-native technologies in a scalable and affordable fashion.

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Photo of Angela Stranahan, Principal Product Manager, Tenable

Angela Stranahan

Principal Product Manager, Tenable

Photo of Heather Peyton, Director, Product Marketing, Tenable

Heather Peyton

Director, Product Marketing, Tenable

fotografía de Shantanu Gattani, Director Sénior de Gestión de Productos de Tenable

Shantanu Gattani

Senior Director, Product Management, Tenable

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