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Análisis de los elementos del modelo de responsabilidad compartida de la seguridad en la nube. Cómo evitar brechas de cobertura y confusión para proteger mejor a su negocio


Join cloud security analyst Tom Croll for an in-depth discussion about ways you can identify and mitigate risks resulting from misaligned responsibilities.

The shared responsibility model is a useful tool for exploring our roles as security professionals across IaaS, PaaS and SaaS services. Yet all too often it fails to reflect the complexity of each layer – especially at the boundaries between the cloud service provider and their customer (that’s you). The resulting confusion can leave your business susceptible to control gaps.

To help you address this challenge, join former Gartner Analyst and Advisor with Lionfish Tech Advisors, Tom Croll, for this on-demand webinar exploring the nuances of shared responsibility. Los temas tratados incluyen los siguientes:

  • Cloud configuration, spanning identity and permissions to visibility and monitoring
  • Strategies for protecting cloud native applications
  • Looking out for misaligned responsibilities and mitigating the resulting risks

¿Quién debe asistir?
Cloud and security leaders looking to reduce the risks of adopting cloud-native technologies in a scalable and affordable fashion.

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Photo of Heather Peyton, Director, Product Marketing, Tenable

Heather Peyton

Director, Product Marketing, Tenable

Photo of Tom Croll, Advisor, Lionfish Tech Advisors

Tom Croll

Advisor, Lionfish Tech Advisors

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