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5 Global Trends That Will Impact Your Security Program in 2021

Tune in for program and policy guidance for a more secure new year.


12:00 PM IST / 2:30 PM SGT

With 2020 almost in the history books (good riddance), we invite you to join us for a forward-looking discussion about five trends that will impact your security team in 2021.

During this webinar, Tenable Chief Security Strategist, Adam Palmer will share his predictions for evolving policies and practices, and offer guidance to help you navigate the year ahead.

Topics covered will include:

  • The evolution of work-from home and the disappearance of the security perimeter
  • Critical infrastructure security and IT/OT convergence
  • Lessons learned from beyond North America
  • Y respuestas a sus preguntas durante una sesión de preguntas y respuestas en vivo.

Who should attend?

All infosec and IT professionals responsible for planning, executing and optimizing cybersecurity programs are encouraged to participate.

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Photo of Adam Palmer, Chief Security Strategist, Tenable

Adam Palmer

Chief Security Strategist, Tenable

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