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White Paper

Comparing Tenable and Rapid7 Approaches to Vulnerability Prioritization

Prioritizing which vulnerabilities to fix first is key to reducing your organization’s cyber exposure; however, there are different approaches to determine which vulnerabilities and which assets are most critical.

This whitepaper describes the inherent weakness of traditional CVSS scoring and compares Tenable’s predictive approach against Rapid7’s methodologies.

In this whitepaper, you'll learn:

  • What predictive prioritization is and how it can help you identify the top 3% of vulnerabilities that put your organization at the greatest risk
  • How Tenable's Vulnerability Priority Rating (VPR) uses data, research, and machine learning to identify the vulnerabilities that are most likely to be exploited in the near future
  • Weaknesses in traditional CVSS scoring
  • How Tenable's Lumin can help you adopt a risk-based focus to vulnerability management

Download this white paper to explore how Tenable can dramatically improve your vulnerability remediation processes with real-time threat intelligence, automated asset criticality scoring, and machine learning.

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