RHEL 5 : kernel (RHSA-2009:1243)

medium Nessus Plugin ID 40835


The remote Red Hat host is missing one or more security updates.


Updated kernel packages that fix security issues, address several hundred bugs and add numerous enhancements are now available as part of the ongoing support and maintenance of Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 5. This is the fourth regular update.

This update has been rated as having important security impact by the Red Hat Security Response Team.

The kernel packages contain the Linux kernel, the core of any Linux operating system.

These updated packages fix the following security issues :

* it was discovered that, when executing a new process, the clear_child_tid pointer in the Linux kernel is not cleared. If this pointer points to a writable portion of the memory of the new program, the kernel could corrupt four bytes of memory, possibly leading to a local denial of service or privilege escalation. (CVE-2009-2848, Important)

* a flaw was found in the way the do_sigaltstack() function in the Linux kernel copies the stack_t structure to user-space. On 64-bit machines, this flaw could lead to a four-byte information leak.
(CVE-2009-2847, Moderate)

* a flaw was found in the ext4 file system code. A local attacker could use this flaw to cause a denial of service by performing a resize operation on a specially crafted ext4 file system.
(CVE-2009-0745, Low)

* multiple flaws were found in the ext4 file system code. A local attacker could use these flaws to cause a denial of service by mounting a specially crafted ext4 file system. (CVE-2009-0746, CVE-2009-0747, CVE-2009-0748, Low)

These updated packages also include several hundred bug fixes for and enhancements to the Linux kernel. Space precludes documenting each of these changes in this advisory and users are directed to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 Release Notes for information on the most significant of these changes :

http://www.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/5.4/html/ Release_Notes/

Also, for details concerning every bug fixed in and every enhancement added to the kernel for this release, see the kernel chapter in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 Technical Notes :

http://www.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/5.4/html/ Technical_Notes/kernel.html

All Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 users are advised to install these updated packages, which address these vulnerabilities as well as fixing the bugs and adding the enhancements noted in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 Release Notes and Technical Notes. The system must be rebooted for this update to take effect.


Update the affected packages.

See Also









Plugin Details

Severity: Medium

ID: 40835

File Name: redhat-RHSA-2009-1243.nasl

Version: 1.33

Type: local

Agent: unix

Published: 9/2/2009

Updated: 1/14/2021

Supported Sensors: Frictionless Assessment AWS, Frictionless Assessment Azure, Frictionless Assessment Agent, Nessus Agent, Agentless Assessment, Nessus

Risk Information


Risk Factor: Medium

Score: 6.4


Risk Factor: Medium

Base Score: 4.9

Temporal Score: 4.3

Vector: CVSS2#AV:L/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:C

Vulnerability Information

CPE: p-cpe:/a:redhat:enterprise_linux:kernel, p-cpe:/a:redhat:enterprise_linux:kernel-pae, p-cpe:/a:redhat:enterprise_linux:kernel-pae-devel, p-cpe:/a:redhat:enterprise_linux:kernel-debug, p-cpe:/a:redhat:enterprise_linux:kernel-debug-devel, p-cpe:/a:redhat:enterprise_linux:kernel-devel, p-cpe:/a:redhat:enterprise_linux:kernel-doc, p-cpe:/a:redhat:enterprise_linux:kernel-headers, p-cpe:/a:redhat:enterprise_linux:kernel-kdump, p-cpe:/a:redhat:enterprise_linux:kernel-kdump-devel, p-cpe:/a:redhat:enterprise_linux:kernel-xen, p-cpe:/a:redhat:enterprise_linux:kernel-xen-devel, cpe:/o:redhat:enterprise_linux:5

Required KB Items: Host/local_checks_enabled, Host/RedHat/release, Host/RedHat/rpm-list, Host/cpu

Exploit Available: true

Exploit Ease: Exploits are available

Patch Publication Date: 9/2/2009

Vulnerability Publication Date: 2/27/2009

Reference Information

CVE: CVE-2009-0745, CVE-2009-0746, CVE-2009-0747, CVE-2009-0748, CVE-2009-2847, CVE-2009-2848

BID: 35930

CWE: 20, 399

RHSA: 2009:1243